Mark Wheeler

Visual Sound Experiments

A series of three experiments in creating ‘visual instruments’ and real-time animation from music. The first two custom apps were designed to be played live, with imagery influencing how they’re played as much as sound.

The third experiment is a collaboration with Russ Chimes and Clay Weishaar, choreographing animation specifically to Russ’ song, We Need Nothing to Collide. These visuals were then taken out into the real world through projections that transform suburbia.

For all the experiments, unique openFrameworks apps generate animations based on MIDI notes, BPM and CC values, creating a tightness to the music that wouldn’t be possible with only audio data.

Mark Eats 2014

Featured: CreativeApplications.Net, The Creators Project, Fubiz, FormFiftyFive, Circle of Light festival screening.

Role: Direction / Design / Code  •  Credits: Mark Wheeler / Clay Weishaar / Russ Chimes

We Need Nothing to Collide still We Need Nothing to Collide still We Need Nothing to Collide still We Need Nothing to Collide still We Need Nothing to Collide screenshot
We Need Nothing to Collide still We Need Nothing to Collide still